Global Education
Network (L-GEN)

Prestigious alliance of schools providing personalized guidance to make children future ready.


Thought Leadership to Design the Future

Some of the top experts who guided our members in last 12 months. Our members talked to 100 top brains in 365 days.

One in every 3.5 days

International Recognitions

Member Exclusive Events

International events on contextual and pertinent topics are organized exclusively for the L-GEN members

The Future Guidance Hub

  • Education Support Center
  • Skill Development Center
  • Emotional Guidance Center
  • Career Planning Center
  • Lifology Future Guidance Hub

Lifology Future Guidance Hub (L-FGH) is a virtual guidance hub exclusive for the members of L-GEN that caters to every guidance requirements parents and children face in the areas of

  • Education
  • Skill Development Center
  • Emotional Guidance Center
  • Career Planning Center

It is a comprehensive hub addressing 75 areas which parents and children seek guidance for.

The Future Guidance Hub

Benefits to Schools

Install the most comprehensive Future Guidance Solution extending a value of 34 lakhs/year at school with no cost involved. No need to deal with multiple stakeholders.

A great value addition to parents and children during the ‘learning from home’ period.

Teacher/counsellor shall be elevated to the level of a ‘Lifologist’ who can anchor every guidance activity at the school.

Access to the AI powered leaderboard to monitor each activities of parents and students.

Confidence and trust of parents on the institution shall sky rocket, as they see the institution takes up a pro-active step to address the real concerns of parents. This would reflect in low drop-out rates, timely fee payment and positive relationship between school and parents.

Right guidance would enhance academic and non-academic performance of students. This would directly reflect in the performance of schools.

Great step forward in the digitalization of services.

Non Member Vs L-GEN Member

L-GEN Member

  • Strong support from a network consists of policy makers, corporates, universities, education wizards, celebrity coaches and other brighter brain
  • Centralized Guidance Hub for every future guidance requirements for parents and children
  • Technology platform powered by AI and Machine Learning to support schools
  • Zero cost involved
  • Upgrading counsellors to Lifologists

Non Member

  • No community support in making children future ready
  • Empanel multiple providers for each requirement
  • No technology platform to co-ordinate & manage the future guidance activities
  • Pay lakhs of rupees for different companies
  • No upgradation to Lifologist

Experts Speak

Listen to the top voices on Lifology

We are thrilled as Lifology and their coaching model helps all our students transit to their Best Fit Pathway after they graduate from high schools.

Lifology is the new expression that well represents the concept of career. This is fantastic because "Career" is a very important part of our lives.

I would call Lifology an ecological model that approaches people in a holistic way and draws out concepts from so many different areas of science.

Parents Speak

Listen to our Super Parents

“Initially when my son used to ask doubts about different careers like Artificial Intelligence and all, I used to avoid those questions and tell him to search internet. But after using lifology, by watching different Lifeware videos and all, I am now able to confidently give answers to my son whenever he asks any questions about any career.”

“Lifology assessments proved to be very useful. It made sense to understand our child's strengths and weaknesses which we believe will help us guide her in choosing a correct path for her future.”

“With the help of lifology master class series, I was a fortunate enough to watch the webinar of Anand Neelakantan. After watching that, I could understand that there is a career in Fictional Writing. My son has a good taste in writing and he loves fictional characters. So, I was able to orient my son about the opportunities in writing as a career.”

“Lifology coaching is great. It really helped us to understand the different aspects of my daughter’s personality & skills and gave suggestions for improving herself and her skills also they communicated the ideal career choices for my daughter, which we all parents want to hear from the Experts.”